Case study NETFrame® – Truck-Axle

Production manager | December 12, 2018

Customer opinion

Problem: A large side riser is employed having a contact area of 60 x 120 mm split along the joint line. Due to the size of the contact it is not possible to remove the riser with traditional mechanical means safely without risk of the contact breaking into the casting, meaning that the casting must be transported to a separate work area for riser removal by cutting.

Challenge: Removal of the feeder residue within the regular process, no movement of castings to additional cutting stations.


Axle casting



Casting temperature



110 kg

Feeding technology

side feeder (see picture)


Integration of NETFrame ® technology „NF 1 (53×46)“ into the casting process. The NETFrame ® is placed onto the cope pattern prior to moulding within the riser contact, and against the casting surface.


The riser was able to be removed by traditional mechanical methods (wedge) without the need for cutting. It was not necessary to remove the casting to a separate work area resulting in a significant reduction in the amount of labour involved in removing riser residues by 11 Minutes per casting. In addition it was possible to eliminate the risk for breaking in and a significant reduction in the overall casting rejection rate was achieved.

Images and videos


Side riser with NETFrame® after shake out


Sider riser with NETFrame® after knock off

A comparison of processing steps

The case study below details the time saved in the processing of castings and removal of risers through the cleaning department with and without NETFrame® technology.

Without NETFrame®
With NETFrame®
Without NETFrame®
With NETFrame®
Knock off of riser rest
not possible
1 min (wedger)
Taking casting out of process
4 min
not applicable
Transportation time to cutting station
3 min
not applicable
Cutting and grinding riser rests
4 min
not applicable
Return to process
1 min
not applicable
Total time
12 min
< 1 Minute

Advantages at a glance

Reduced cleaning costs
Less scrap
Knock off up to 450 mm
Significant time savings
Reduced risk of injury

Download case study

Our customer is one of the leading cast iron foundries in Eastern Europe producing castings for the commercial vehicle and agricultural machinery industry sectors with an annual capacity of 160,000 Mt. To optimise cleaning costs, GTP NETFrame ® technology was first trialled in 2017 and has been in serial production since 2018

Further customer opinions


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Assistent d. Leitung Qualitätssicherung/

Fallstudie-Hydraulikkomponente-NETFrame-01.pdf (208 KB)